
Is it important to understand who we are and why we are here?
Some will answer Yes, others No. Is it important to change human behaviour?
In my view Yes it certainly is. Why this is depends wholly on whether you feel we as a species are evolving. I don't mean materially, but in understanding the Divine nature we must attain.
Over centuries, possibly millenia the human psyche and his resonance has dropped significantly from a harmonic and balanced being who never takes without returning or honouring. To the beast who takes and takes and takes. Wants more and more in his desires and cannot be satisfied. Violence, greed, and power switches on his pleasure receptors. How long can this go on for? Perhaps until the earth has nothing left to give.
So how can this change?
How can we break this pattern of take, take, take?
First of all we must stop and think what the effects of what we are doing. Causes and effects.. what Karma are we accumulating personally and collectively.
Are we heading for another fall in our frequency.. or do we choose change?
Change what we do, change how we think, change who we are.
We choose change, by looking backwards to see what good in the past we can bring forward to help us know. Employ truth, look beyond the illusion to see what is really happening to us and around us.
Truth is everything.

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